GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Prosecutor Jarrod Holtsclaw to Greene County Community, On the safety of our children online

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Greene County Prosecutor Jarrod Holtsclaw

It is not a stretch to say the COVID-19 pandemic has turned just about every aspect of life on its head. Many people are working from home and all Hoosier students finished the school year taking online classes. As we begin another school year, many districts are opting to start with online classes, while some are going for a hybrid approach, with some in-person instruction coupled with online learning. Most of the districts that are returning to the classroom are also offering an online option for students. No matter what option your family goes with during this school year, it is reasonable to expect screen time will increase for Hoosier children. This is on top of what is likely an increase in screen time and exposure to the internet due to many popular outdoor activities and events being cancelled as a safety precaution.

As Prosecutor, I wanted to remind parents, grandparents and guardians of children that we must constantly be vigilant in what our children are exposed to and who they are interacting with online. We’ve already seen the numbers of online exploitation complaints rise this past spring when lockdowns ramped up across the world. The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, a global organization that disseminates tips to law enforcement, cataloged 4.1 million reports of cyber abuse against children in April 2020, four times as many complaints as they received in April of 2019.

With so much going on, it can be daunting to try and add on additional monitoring of a child’s online activity but online exploitation of children can, unfortunately, happen to anyone. Online predators can pretend to be many different people on many different sites in an attempt to befriend children and teens before trying to coerce them into sending photos or videos or meeting in person. Parents and guardians have to be diligent in monitoring social media use, staying up to date on the latest apps and trends as well as having open conversations about internet safety. If you’re not sure where to start, is a great resource for many tech related issues as well as how to set parental controls on your children’s devices.

Potential warning signs that someone may be grooming your child online or that your child may be in trouble can include your child constantly being online and not wanting to do anything else, becoming angry when unable to get online, turning off the computer or locking their screen when you enter a room, receiving calls or packages from people you don’t know and withdrawing from family and friends. This is not an exhaustive list but it’s helpful to have some idea of what to look for.

My office remains committed to protecting those among us who are the most vulnerable, including children. As we all struggle to figure out what normal looks like these days, rest assured that anyone who engages in these kinds of heinous acts against children will be prosecuted.

Jarrod Holtsclaw, Greene County Prosecutor

Linton man wants speedy trial then doesn’t show up for the pretrial conference

Linton man wants speedy trial then doesn’t show up for the pretrial conference

A Linton man who asked for and was granted a speedy trial failed to show up for a conference last week before the trial set for September 1. He’s accused of battery on a family member that he was convicted of battering the year before. And now a third case has been filed against him, for allegedly violating an order protecting the victim.

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Greene County Drug Task Force busts suspected meth dealer

Greene County Drug Task Force busts suspected meth dealer

After a weeks-long investigation, officers of the Greene County Drug Task Force and an investigator from the Greene County Prosecutor’s Office arrested a suspected methamphetamine dealer on Monday. She’s been charged with several felonies in two criminal cases and is being held in lieu of $100,000 total bond.

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CASE UPDATE: Bond set today for convicted murderer Jesse Stephens

CASE UPDATE: Bond set today for convicted murderer Jesse Stephens

CASE UPDATE: Convicted murderer Jesse Stephens appeared in Greene Circuit Court earlier today, August 11, for an initial hearing on a petition to revoke his suspended sentence in a murder case. During the hearing before Judge Eric Allen, via video connection between the Greene County Jail and the courtroom, Stephens waived his right to an attorney and the judge set his bond at $25,000 cash only. This amount is in addition to the bond set in the previously reported drug case of $10,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed.

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Traffic stop leads to stolen vehicle and drug arrest

Traffic stop leads to stolen vehicle and drug arrest

A Hymera man arrested last Thursday night on a drug charge was allegedly driving a stolen vehicle. He’s in jail on a $39,000 cash-only bond. In an unrelated case, during an investigation into a shooting that occurred in Hymera a week earlier, a male witness said the man owned the trailer next door and had a surveillance system with a camera facing the scene.

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