The old Bell from the Greene County Courthouse is on display in the gazebo on the east side of the courthouse in Bloomfield, Indiana.

Court News: Infractions

List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court Sept. 16-Sept. 20, 2024:

Greene Superior Court Infractions

John L. Deffenbaugh, speeding

James Christopher Wofford, speeding—exceeding 65 MPH with GVW greater than 26K pounds outside urbanized area

Stacie D. Porter, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Autumn Elaine Vieira, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Richard M. Rogers, speeding

Tony A. Harl, operating with expired plates, no valid driver’s license

Jenny R. Mize, speeding

John Anderson Beavers, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Jeffrey Carl Byrd, speeding

Donovan X. Ruiz, speeding

Jason R. Kyle, hunting waterfowl without a DNR stamp, unlawful hunting of migratory birds

Blake Michael Nydegger, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Tuere K. Hunter, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Santibanez Narciso Oliverio, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Nathan A. Hurley, hunting waterfowl without a DNR stamp

Lexie Ellen White, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Steven Royce Frey, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit