GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Wanted man in custody

Wanted man in custody

After getting a deal then asking for a delay before he had to turn himself in to serve time last month, a man convicted of criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon in an incident of gunfire in Linton last year, didn’t show up as promised. A warrant was issued but his whereabouts were unknown. Now’s he behind bars serving his time.  

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Wanted: Man convicted of criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon in Linton gunfire incident

Wanted: Man convicted of criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon in Linton gunfire incident

There’s a warrant out for the arrest of a man convicted of criminal recklessness in the incident of gunfire in Linton last May. After getting a deal, then asking for a delay before he had to turn himself in to serve his time, the guy didn’t show up at the jail. Whereabouts unknown.  

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Another man sentenced in incident of gunfire last May in Linton

Another man sentenced in incident of gunfire last May in Linton

An incident of gunfire in Linton last May resulted in the arrest of two individuals who were charged with intimidation and criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon. When one appeared in court yesterday, he admitted guilt and was sentenced to two years with all but 300 days suspended.

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Criminal case filed against mother of man arrested in Linton gunfire incident

Criminal case filed against mother of man arrested in Linton gunfire incident

Melissa Jo Boram is accused of giving false information that caused a substantial hindrance to the officers responding to a scene where shots had been fired. Boram is the mother of Bradon M. Graham, one of two men arrested after the incident in Linton on May 24 that involved gunfire.

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Two men jailed after shots fired at Linton home

Two men jailed after shots fired at Linton home

Several punches were thrown in an ongoing disagreement between two juvenile females that led to a fight last Wednesday night in the Linton Park between several male and female juveniles. This feud then moved outside the park with boyfriends of the females participating. Before the night was over, both boyfriends allegedly resorted to drawing or using firearms. Shots were fired.

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