GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Worthington man facing drug charges

A Worthington man is accused of driving with pot and meth in his system after a WPD officer responded to a report of a reckless driver and found him where he ran off the road on the south edge of Worthington.

Joseph Arthur Conway

Joseph Arthur Conway

Joseph Arthur Conway, 35, Worthington, was arrested by Deputy Marshal Hunter Golden of the Worthington Police Department on Tuesday, November 3. Conway was booked into the Greene County Jail on a warrant issued for his arrest in late October following an investigation by Worthington Town Marshal Jim O’Malley.

Back on Tuesday, September 1, around 12:30 p.m., a citizen called the sheriff’s department to report a reckless driver. She said her vehicle had almost been hit by a gray Chevrolet Monte Carlo near the parking lot of the Dollar General store on State Road 67 on the south side of Worthington.

Officer O’Malley responded and found a gray Chevrolet Monte Carlo stopped in the grass between the highway and the fuel pumps at the Country Market gas station and convenience store just north of the Dollar General store. Tire tracks indicated the vehicle had left the roadway and traveled about 80 yards on the grass. The vehicle was still running with a man sitting in the driver’s seat.

The driver was identified as Joseph Conway. O’Malley told Conway to turn the engine off and get out of the car. During a pat-down when Conway was handcuffed, O’Malley allegedly was found with a plastic bag containing a green leafy plant substance, a syringe and a rolled-up cellophane with a white powder substance that field-tested positive as methamphetamine.

During an interview at the Worthington Police Department, Conway allegedly admitted he had been smoking marijuana while driving and when he ran off the road, he let the vehicle gradually slow to a stop because the vehicle, which he had borrowed, had poor brakes. When asked if a blood test would reveal anything other than marijuana, Conway allegedly said it would probably show methamphetamine.

Conway was transported to Greene County General Hospital where a blood draw was taken – results pending.

Conway was being held without bond pending court appearance – date not yet known. When he does appear in Greene Superior Court, he will be formally charged with:

  • Possession of methamphetamine, a Level 6 felony,

  • Unlawful possession of syringe, a Level 6 felony,

  • Possession of marijuana, a Class B misdemeanor, and

  • Operating a vehicle with a controlled substance in the body, a Class C misdemeanor.