GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Wabash Valley Correctional helps fight the spread of COVID-19

Carlisle, Ind. - Offenders at the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility (WVCF) are making masks to help limit the spread of COVID-19 both within the prison walls and in the community. 

Offenders in the Purposeful Living Unit Serve (PLUS) program have produced over 15,000 masks!  Of those, 3,200 have been given to staff, contractors and offenders at WVCF, while 4,300 have been given to other IDOC Facilities. 

In addition, they have touched the community by giving to first responders, hospitals, local emergency management agencies, law enforcement agencies, medical clinics, grocery store staff, pharmacies, and military personnel.  

PLUS Coordinator J. Storm said, "The requests for the masks continue to pour in.  We anticipate making a few thousand more in hopes of helping more individuals in the community." 

PLUS Participant Offender Mitch Swallows sorting masks for distribution.

PLUS Participant Offender Mitch Swallows sorting masks for distribution.

PLUS Participant Mitch Swallows was asked what being a part of making the masks means to those involved.  He stated, "Being able to be a part of helping to produce more than 15,000 masks in such a short period of time has been very rewarding to say the least.  Not only is the number amazing to me, but watching the men of PLUS work so seamlessly together with staff to accomplish our goal of mask production has been truly amazing.  Watching the pride in their eyes from being able to be a part of something bigger than their selves is beyond words.  I guess the best way to say it is we are truly "in this together."

Volunteer Offender Steven Smith working on masks under the direction of ICI in the Joint Venture Shop.

Volunteer Offender Steven Smith working on masks under the direction of ICI in the Joint Venture Shop.

WVCF's Joint Venture Partner, Indiana Correctional Industries (ICI), has joined in the mission as well, allowing volunteers from the offender population to set up a mask production site in their area.  They started production on April 8th and since then have produced approximately 6,000 masks.