GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Caucus set to fill vacant seat on Worthington Town Council

A Republican party caucus will be conducted later this month in Worthington to fill a seat on the Worthington Town Council formerly held by John “Tom” Shelton who recently resigned. The appointment will be to serve for the remainder of Shelton’s term. Any Republican who lives in Jefferson 1 precinct or Jefferson 2 precinct and is interested in the position needs to file the declaration of candidacy paperwork in the Clerk’s Office on the second floor of the Greene County Courthouse at least 72 hours before the caucus on Sunday, February 27.

The official notice:

Call of a political party caucus to consider the replacement of the Worthington Town Board position vacated by the resignation of John T. Shelton. Mr. Shelton's letter of resignation was filed with the Clerk of Greene County on 1/31/2022.

The Caucus will be held at 4:00 PM EST on Sunday February 27, 2022 at the Worthington Town Hall, 20 S Commercial Street, Worthington IN 47471

To consider the replacement of Worthington Town Board Member John T Shelton.

I certify that I mailed this notice by first class US Mail to all persons eligible to participate in this caucus on the date set forth below, which is at least ten (10) days before the caucus.

Dated February 12, 2022
Julia Bartlow, RPH, MBA
Chairman, Greene Co Republican Party

Any parties interested in running for the seat must live in one of the 2 Jefferson precincts (1 and 2), be a Republican in good standing, verified by voting record as having declared Republican in primary elections. Interested parties must file a declaration of candidacy CEB-5 with the Clerk at the Greene County Courthouse at least 72 hours before the caucus (IC3-13-11-7).