GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Worthington man arrested tonight; Accused of years of sexual abuse of children; Bond set at $185,000

Worthington man arrested tonight; Accused of years of sexual abuse of children; Bond set at $185,000

A Worthington man accused of sexually abusing three children over a number of years was picked up this evening by the WPD Town Marshal on a warrant for his arrest issued earlier today. Following an initial report taken by the Worthington Police Department, an investigation by an Indiana State Police detective resulted in a prosecutor filing 11 felony counts involving rapes, incest incidents, child molestations and sexual misconduct with minors. Bond has been set at $185,000.

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Lyons teen arrested and charged with rape

Lyons teen arrested and charged with rape

A Lyons teen has been arrested by GCSD Det. David Elmore as a result of an investigation into an inappropriate sexual incident that allegedly occurred earlier this week. The teen’s case has been filed in adult court and earlier this afternoon, he was charged with rape, a Level 3 felony.

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Fleeing Jeep crashes into pond, driver found hiding in tall grass

Fleeing Jeep crashes into pond, driver found hiding in tall grass

With red and blue lights flashing behind him, a driver sped into someone’s driveway, drove through a fence and crashed his Jeep in a pond. The driver made it to shore and the pursuing deputy found him hiding in tall grass. That all happened after midnight and he was booked in to jail early yesterday.

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Driver convicted of OVWI accused of showing up intoxicated for first probation meeting

Driver convicted of OVWI accused of showing up intoxicated for first probation meeting

After a driver convicted of OVWI tested with a high BAC during his first probation meeting then got into a truck to drive away, courthouse security personnel responded to make the stop and remove the driver from the truck.

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