GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Inmate involved in another jailhouse fight; Declines counsel, says he will represent himself

Inmate involved in another jailhouse fight; Declines counsel, says he will represent himself

An inmate at the Greene County Jail was accused of getting into a physical altercation with jail officers in December and was charged with battery with injury, a Level 5 felony, and battery by bodily waste, a Level 6 felony. Last October he was arrested after an altercation with an LPD officer. Now he’s accused of battery to jail officer in another altercation this month. In court yesterday, he declined a public defender and said he will represent himself.

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Jail officer attacked by inmate in Greene County Jail

Jail officer attacked by inmate in Greene County Jail

An inmate who was upset after a court hearing via two-way video allegedly lunged at a jail officer and pushed him up against a cell door. When they ended up on the ground, the inmate allegedly spit and kicked and continued to fight with three officers before the situation was under control.

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