GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Man suspected of using alias of ‘Johnny Sorrow’ is in the Greene County Jail

Man suspected of using alias of ‘Johnny Sorrow’ is in the Greene County Jail

There’s already been more than one twist in a pending case involving domestic battery and now there’s another. The alleged victim has been receiving messages from an individual using the name “Johnny Sorrow.” A detective alleges Johnny Sorrow is actually a defendant in the case and the messages are in violation of a no-contact order.

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Probable cause documents in domestic situation: Three arrested but one released, two others accused of felony battery

Probable cause documents in domestic situation: Three arrested but one released, two others accused of felony battery

The domestic situation in a household of three adults and one baby in the Solsberry area has been on the radar of a detective at the sheriff’s department, DCS, and the prosecutor’s office since March. One adult was arrested then released with no charges filed. One week later, warrants were issued for the other two adults. Both were arrested last Friday.

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