The old Bell from the Greene County Courthouse is on display in the gazebo on the east side of the courthouse in Bloomfield, Indiana.

Court News: Infractions

List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court Dec. 30, 2024-Jan. 3, 2025:

Greene Superior Court Infractions

Stephanie N. Surber, operating with expired plates

Amanda Fish, disregard lighted signal

Eric Kenneth Farmer, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Jaylen S. Dierdorf, speeding

Drake Hunter Robertson, improper headlights

Timothy L. Hass, operating with expired plates

Eli S. Swartzentruber, driving while suspended

James O. Patton, Jr., operating a motor vehicle with a false plate—plate belongs to another vehicle

Juan Antonio Garcia Tellez, driving at reduced speed in left lane

Wilteau Letaille, II, speeding

Braxton Stinebaugh, failure of occupant to use a safety belt

Bradley Lane, operating with expired plates, light restriction violation

Misseau Jules, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit, interim plate violation

Terry J. House, owner allows dog to stay beyond owners premises

William Francis Bassler, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Christina Nicole Moody, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit