GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Officers, firefighters and rescue personnel thank health care workers with parade

Officers, firefighters and rescue personnel thank health care workers with parade

Officers, deputies, firefighters and rescue personnel from every corner of the county showed their thanks to our county’s health care workers on Tuesday evening with a surprise parade of vehicles that traveled to Greene County General Hospital and Glenburn Home.

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Statewide case counts as of Monday, May 4, at 12 noon; Glenburn reporting 41 confirmed cases and six deaths

Statewide case counts as of Monday, May 4, at 12 noon; Glenburn reporting 41 confirmed cases and six deaths

As of 12 noon, Monday, May 4, when the Indiana Department of Health announced the statewide COVID-19 stats, the data shows Greene County with a total of 96 confirmed cases and six deaths reported to the state, with a total of 480 tested.

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Glenburn Home reports second COVID-19 death, seven residents confirmed, two hospitalized and five employees in quarantine

Glenburn Home reports second COVID-19 death, seven residents confirmed, two hospitalized and five employees in quarantine

This evening, Wednesday, April 15, Glenburn Home is reporting the death of a second resident. The first was reported on Tuesday, April 14. As of this evening, Glenburn is reporting seven other residents have tested positive for COVID-19 with two of those admitted to the hospital. In addition, five employees have tested positive and are now under quarantine for 14 days.

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UPDATE: Glenburn Home reports four new residents with COVID-19 for total of five

UPDATE: Glenburn Home reports four new residents with COVID-19 for total of five

On Sunday evening, April 12: Administrators reported a resident of Glenburn Home in Linton was diagnosed with COVID-19 and is now in quarantine in the hospital. UPDATE on Monday morning, April 13: On Monday morning, April 13, Glenburn Home in Linton reported a total of four new positive results of COVID-19 in residents for a total of five confirmed cases in residents. No employees have tested positive for COVID-19.

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