GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

INDOT previews area seal coat operations that start in May

The Indiana Department of Transportation announces seal coat operations beginning district wide at the beginning of May, including one near Owensburg and one west of Linton.

Depending upon weather conditions, INDOT crews will begin seal coat operations on State Road 358 in Knox County beginning on or around Tuesday, May 4. Multiple locations are scheduled for seal coat operations, with work scheduled to last 5-6 weeks district wide, depending upon weather conditions.

Typically seal coat operations in one location will last for about four days depending upon weather conditions and will be performed under lane restrictions with flaggers directing traffic through the work zone. After seal coat is complete, any loose aggregate will be swept away from the road. Once the seal coat has cured, workers will come back and fog seal to lock out moisture and protect the new driving surface.

Seal Coating, on average, extends the life of pavement by three to five years. For every $1 spent on seal coat, taxpayers save $6-14 in future road rehabilitation and construction costs. Motorists should remember to slow down, increase following distance, obey all work zone signs and flaggers, and plan for extra time to get to your destination.

The 2021 seal coat schedule is as follows (all dates are weather dependent):

  • Tuesday, May 4, S.R. 358 from S.R. 67 to Plainville with fog seal scheduled for May 7.

  • Monday, May 10 S.R. 45 from S.R. 58 Near Owensburg to S.R. 445 with fog seal scheduled for May 13.

  • Monday, May 17, S.R. 58 between Merom and U.S. 41 at Carlisle with fog seal to begin May 20.

  • Monday, May 24, S.R. 63 between Merom and Prairie Creek with fog seal scheduled for May 27.

  • Tuesday, June 1, S.R. 54 from U.S. 41 at Sullivan to S.R. 59 at Linton.

INDOT urges drivers to slow down and stay alert near crews.