GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Greene County Recycling to host Tire Amnesty Days May 14-15


Greene County Recycling Centers will host two Tire Amnesty Days this year according to an announcement this week from Greene County Commissioner Edward Michael, who serves as president of the board of the Greene County Solid Waste Management District.

The District will host the annual Tire Amnesty on two days this year at two locations; Friday and Saturday, May 14-15, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Greene County Recycling Center located at 4316 W Base Road outside of Switz City, and at the Greene County Recycling Center located at SE 12th Street and SE “C” Street in Linton.

Tire Amnesty Day, which is funded by a Greene County Health Department grant, allows any Greene County resident to bring in four rimless pickup truck and passenger car tires to the recycling center at no charge. Additional tires for trucks and cars will be accepted at the rate of $2 each.

Michael noted that the county is very fortunate to have the Greene County Health Department-funded program. Old tires often hold water, which creates a breeding ground for mosquitos that carry dangerous diseases.