GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Worthington firefighters’ annual fish fry set for Saturday helps raise money to buy winter gear for kids

The Worthington Fire Territory’s 13th Annual "Keep the Kids Warm" Fish Fry Fundraiser starts at 4 p.m. this Saturday, October 29, and continues until 8 p.m. at the Worthington Fire Station located in the Municipal Building at 20 S. Commercial St. (State Road 67) on the Triangle in Worthington.

It's a fish fry served up by the firefighters with all proceeds going to purchase coats, shoes, hats, and gloves for elementary kids in the White River Valley Schools.

The menu includes fish, baked beans, cole slaw, potato salad and beverages with hot dogs and other items available for the kids. The cost of the meal is a donation.

WFT Fire Chief Kyle Steward says the department goes all out for this one event on their mission to "Keep the Kids Warm" this winter.

It's become an annual tradition with 100 percent of the money raised used to help children in need of winter gear. Following the event, the firefighters obtain a list from the schools with the ages and sizes of kid items needed. Without knowing any names, the firefighters then go shopping, selecting gear for each child.

There is no specific cost charged for the dinner. The firefighters just ask for a donation and Steward said the community always responds generously.