GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

First accused of intimidation, now accused of violating a protective order

First accused of intimidation, now accused of violating a protective order

A father upset over child custody and visitation issues, accused of threatening his ex-wife and others, was summoned to appear in court next Thursday on a charge of intimidation. But before his court date, he was in more trouble for allegedly violating a protective order and was booked in to jail early this morning.

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Father upset over child visitation issues to be charged with intimidation

Father upset over child visitation issues to be charged with intimidation

A father upset over child custody and visitation issues is accused of threatening his ex-wife and others. The alleged threats have been escalating, Jasonville Police have been investigating, and the father is being summoned into court on a preliminary charge of intimidation.

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