GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

ISP releases patrol results from 2018 Scheid Diesel Extravaganza and previous years

Vigo County---The Indiana State Police Putnamville District conducted traffic patrols on both Friday and Saturday evenings of the Scheid Diesel Event held at the Vigo County Fairgrounds. The extra patrols were in place to ensure the safety of those attending the event as well as the motoring public. 

The troopers utilized both marked and unmarked cars, pickup trucks and SUV’s.  

The 2018 ISP Results were:

  • Traffic Citations…………………………………………….112

  • Traffic Warnings……………………………………………226

  • Seatbelt Citations……………………………………….……24

  • Vehicle Crashes Investigated……………………………...….2

  • Child Restraint Violations…………………………………....0

  • Truck Citations……………………………………..……......14

  • Suspended Driver Citations…………………………….…….7

  • DUI Arrests………………………………………………...…5

  • Criminal Arrests……………………………………………..30 Misdemeanor/ 9 Felony (Drugs/Warrants, etc)

  • Police K-9 Searches………………………………………..…4

  • Police K-9 Tracks……………………………………………..1

  • Crashes Investigated…………………………………………..2

  • Portable Breath Tests Given………………………………….39

  • Police Services in General……………….…………………..54

In comparison, the 2017 ISP Results were:

  • Traffic Citations…………………………………………….353

  • Traffic Warnings……………………………………………576

  • Seatbelt Citations……………………………………….……82

  • Vehicle Crashes Investigated……………………………...….4

  • Child Restraint Violations………………………………….....0

  • Truck Citations…………………………………………......103

  • Suspended Driver Citations………………………………….27

  • DUI Arrests……………………………………………….…20

  • Criminal Arrests……………………………………………..77 Misdemeanor/ 4 Felony

  • Police K-9 Searches………………………………………….8

  • Police Services in General……………….………………….134

The 2016 ISP Results were:

  • Traffic Citations…………………………………………….179

  • Traffic Warnings……………………………………………308

  • Seatbelt Citations……………………………………….……51

  • Vehicle Crashes Investigated……………………………...….2

  • Child Restraint Violations………………………………….....0

  • Truck Citations……………………………………………....35

  • Suspended Driver Citations…………………………………18

  • DUI Arrests……………………………………………….…21

  • Criminal Arrests……………………………………………..49 Misdemeanor/ 2 Felony

  • Minor Consuming Citations………………………………….8

  • Police Services in General……………….………………….64

The 2015 ISP results were:

  • Traffic Citations……………………………………………... 320

  • Traffic Warnings…………………………………………….. 562

  • Seatbelt Citations……………………………………………. ..81

  • Vehicle Crashes Investigated…………………………………...1

  • Child Restraint Citations………………………………………. 2

  • Truck Citations…………………………………………….....105

  • Suspended Driver Citations…………………………………. ..21

  • DUI arrests………………………………………………….......9

  • Criminal Arrests……………………………………………….36 Misdemeanor/12 Felony

  • Drug Arrests…………………………………………………… 7

  • Police Services……………………………………………….117

  • 2014 ISP results were:

  • Total Traffic Citations Issued….…………………………….. 167

  • Driving Under the Influence Arrests……………………….…... 9

  • Traffic Warnings Issued……………………………….…….. 338

  • Motor Vehicle Crashes Investigated…………………….….….. 3

  • Criminal Arrests………………………………………………. 27

  • Seatbelt Citations…………………………………………..…. 55

  • Portable Breath Tests Administered…………..……………….56

  • Truck Citations…………………………………..…………….75