GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Intoxicated visitor accused of domestic battery

An out-of-county woman who was visiting the home of a family member in Greene County allegedly became extremely intoxicated and fought with other family members. She was arrested and is being charged with domestic battery.

Shawnna McBride

Shawnna McBride

Shawnna Marguerit McBride, 48, Boonville, Ind., listed in the Jail Logs as Shawnna Marguerit Christian, 48, Chandler, Ind., is scheduled to appear in Greene Superior Court early tomorrow morning, December 3, for an initial hearing.

McBride was arrested by Sgt. Bobby Pierce of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department early Sunday, November 22. McBride was booked into the Greene County Jail at 7 a.m. Her bond was set at $5,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. She posted $500 and was released later the same day.

Sgt. Pierce responded that morning to a residence on Union Valley Road, located north of Bloomfield and east of Worthington, after McBride called 911 and said she was at the home of a family member and that she had been kicked out of the house with no shoes. She said it was raining and the family would not let her get her belongings.

Before deputies arrived, McBride called 911 again and dispatch said they could hear McBride screaming, “Help me, help me.” Dispatch could also hear a man’s voice in the background and they asked to speak to the man.

The man, who resided at the home, said McBride had been drinking and walked out of the house and down the driveway and that they’d been trying to get her to go back into the house for an hour.

When Sgt. Pierce arrived on the scene, he was met by the resident and another man who said he was McBride’s husband. They explained McBride was related to the resident’s girlfriend and was visiting but was drunk and had fought with everyone. Sgt. Pierce was told McBride had choked her own son and had hit her husband.

While Sgt. Pierce was speaking to the two men, he heard loud screaming and when he drove further up the driveway, he reported finding McBride laying the driveway crying and yelling “Help me.” McBride was placed in the patrol vehicle.

Sgt. Pierce reported McBride showed signs of intoxication and had trouble staying on track with conversation. She alleged she wanted to leave but the others would not let her leave and that she had been smacked against a wall and had her keys taken from her. She said one had grabbed her by the neck and another had kicked her in her side.

McBride was checked for injuries. She had two small bruises on her wrist which did not appear to be fresh. Her story was inconsistent with injuries.

When Sgt. Pierce talked to the other adults who were present, as well as one juvenile, they did not confirm McBride’s story but said she was drunk and had hit her husband, and her son, and at one point had fallen down some steps, and had been vomiting in a trash can and had gone to sleep outside on the ground.

McBride was transported to jail.

When she appears in court, she will be formally charged with domestic battery, a Class A misdemeanor, and domestic battery committed in the presence of a child less than 16 years old, a Level 6 felony.