GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Honking teen driver lands in jail

A Linton teen who was honking his horn through Linton, over and over and over again, attracted the attention of an LPD officer. The teen ended up in jail with OVWI charges.

Landon Christopher Jerrells

Landon Christopher Jerrells

Landon Christopher Jerrells, 19, Linton, was arrested by Officer Janzen Franklin of the Linton Police Department late Wednesday, April 28.

Shortly before 10 p.m., Officer Franklin was in the parking lot of the NAPA auto parts store in the area of State Road 54 and 1st Street NE in Linton when a 2003 Jeep Liberty drove past on State Road 54, honking the horn over and over again. Officer Franklin followed and reported the Jeep continued to honk the horn until the Jeep reached the intersection of State Road 54 and State Road 59. Officer Franklin initiated a traffic stop.

Jerrells was the driver with one passenger on board. Officer Franklin said he detected the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle and asked Jerrells to exit. When Jerrells was told the vehicle would be searched, he allegedly became very upset and angry, saying they could not search without his consent. LPD Officer Alan Jackson, who responded to assist on the scene, explained to Jerrells that the officers had probable cause to search the vehicle.

Officer Franklin reported that during the search, officers located 15 cans of Bud Lite beer and a plastic bag containing a plant material that field-tested positive as marijuana.

The passenger claimed ownership of the marijuana.

Jerrells allegedly failed field sobriety testing on the scene and was transported to the police department where he allegedly admitted he had consumed three beers and smoked marijuana before the stop.

Chemical test results showed Jerrells had a BAC of .127. The legal limit is 08. Jerrells was transported to Greene County General Hospital for a blood draw – results pending.

Jerrells was booked into the Greene County Jail at 11:48 p.m. with bond set at $4,500 surety with ten percent cash allowed. He has since posted bond and been released.

Jerrells is scheduled to be in court next Monday afternoon, May 10, for an initial hearing. He is facing preliminary charges of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, a Class C misdemeanor, and minor in possession of alcohol, a Class C misdemeanor.