GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Greene County CASA names Amber Spicer as new director

Bloomfield, Indiana – Amber Spicer has been named as the Director of the Greene County Court Appointed Special Advocate (“CASA”) Program, a program that recruits, trains and supports community volunteers to advocate for children that are wards of the State and their families.

“I am delighted to accept this new role of CASA Director.  CASA has a significant impact on children that have been abused and/or neglected.  We are always looking for volunteers to make a difference in the life of a child and I am looking forward to the growth and success of such an important program.”

With Ms. Spicer as Director, the Greene County CASA Program is excited to continue to recruit and train more CASA volunteers to advocate for the best interest of children in our community.

Ms. Spicer was raised in Greene County and is a graduate of White River Valley High School.   After high school she received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology from Indiana State University.  After earning her degree she spent several years in the social work field and education field.  Ms. Spicer has 10 + years of experience as a service provider contracted by DCS and 2 years with CASA.  Ms. Spicer is dedicated to making a difference in other’s lives.  Outside of her professional role she gives back to the community as a volunteer coach for recreational softball for the Bloomfield Youth League and also coaches a travel softball team.  Ms. Spicer commented, “I truly believe making a positive impact in the lives of children is one of the greatest accomplishments a person can achieve.” 

“We are excited and fortunate to have Amber step into the CASA Director’s position,” said Greene Circuit Court Judge Erik “Chip” Allen.  “Not only does Amber have a heart for children, she brings a wide variety of skills and experience, and we look forward to her developing positive relationships with our partners in the child welfare system and helping our program continue to grow and improve.”

CASA volunteers are specially trained and appointed by the Court to advocate for a child or a sibling group while they are wards of the State when the Department of Child Services is involved.  They advocate for the child in Court, school and other settings; and get to know everyone involved in the child’s life, including their parents, foster parents, teachers, doctors, family members and others.

CASA volunteers advocate first and foremost for children to be reunified with their parents whenever safe and possible.  When reunification is not an option, they may advocate for the child to live with another relative or family friend.  They can also advocate for the child to be placed in an adoptive home.  In all cases, CASA volunteers are steadfast, consistent presences for the children they serve, making sure they are safe and have the resources and connections they need to grow and thrive.

This year CASA will resume its Christmas Silent Auction at the Greene County Courthouse, on December 10th, 2021, in the Magistrate’s Courtroom. “It is always a great fundraising event for the children.  The courthouse is decorated, area students make ornaments, and entertainment is provided,” Spicer explained.  Gift Baskets/Donations will be collected from area businesses and individuals and auctioned off through a silent auction.  If you would like to donate to this year’s auction, please contact the CASA office at the number below.

Volunteers are needed by the program on a regular basis.  There will be a training session to become a CASA in the Spring of 2022.  The training requires a combination of 30 hours of classroom work and court room observation.  Interested persons can fill out a volunteer application online at or email: for an information packet to be mailed.   

If you are interested in learning more about the Greene County CASA Program please contact the CASA Office at 812-384-2036 or visit the website at