GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Bloomfield man jailed for violating a protective order

A Bloomfield man remains in jail after his arrest for an alleged violation of a protective order. He already had a felony case pending against him for allegedly threatening to kill people in early April.

Matthew Jordan Young

Matthew Jordan Young

Matthew Jordan Young, 25, Bloomfield, was arrested by Indiana State Police Trooper Ben Burris last Saturday, May 15.

Trooper Burris was on patrol on US 231 around 8:12 p.m. last Saturday when he noticed a white 2014 Jeep traveling above the 55 mph speed limit. He initiated a traffic stop on US 231 near Olive Branch Road.

The driver got a speeding ticket. Matthew Young was a passenger in the vehicle and when Trooper Burris checked records, he learned the female driver had a valid protective order against Young.

Young was arrested By GCSD Deputy Alan Jackson and charged with two counts of intimidation, both as Level 6 felonies, in early April, after he allegedly threatened to kill several people at a rural Bloomfield residence. During his initial hearing, he was served with two separate no-contact orders to protect alleged victims. He posted bond and was released from jail, but now was a passenger with one of the protected individuals.

After issuing a ticket to the driver, Young was asked to step out of the vehicle. When he was informed of the protective order, Young allegedly said he was aware of the order. He was taken into custody without incident then transported to the Greene County Jail where he was booked in around 9 p.m. He was being held without bond pending court appearance.

On Wednesday when Young appeared in Greene Superior Court for his initial hearing, he was formally charged with invasion of privacy in violation of a protective order, a Class A misdemeanor.

His bond was set at $50,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed, but he’s still in custody.

Yesterday, Thursday, May 20, in light of Young’s latest arrest, the state filed a petition to revoke bond in the earlier intimidation case. The court entered an order revoking Young’s bond and a warrant was issued for his arrest. It will be served to him in jail.

A story about the intimidation incident was posted earlier on GreeneStreets. To find it, click on the Tag “Matthew Jordan Young” below this story.