GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Sexually violent predator arrested for failure to register

A man, convicted of rape in 2011 in another county and considered a sexually violent predator, was registered on the state’s Sex and Violent Offender List as living at a residence in the Bloomfield area. He wasn’t. A deputy went looking for him and the man was arrested yesterday.

Beau Justin Hash

Beau Justin Hash

Beau Justin Hash, 39, Bloomfield, was arrested by Deputy Cayden Walker of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department yesterday, Thursday, May 20, following an investigation by GCSD Deputy Harvey Holt.

Hash was convicted of rape, a Class B felony, in Monroe County Circuit Court on October 20, 2011. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison, given credit for days already served in jail, and four of those years were suspended, leaving him with six actual years to serve in prison. After serving his time in the Indiana Department of Corrections (DOC), he was to be on probation for four years.

Deputy Holt wrote in a probable cause document that Hash served a partial sentence, and DOC records reflect that Hash was released from prison on August 11, 2013.

DOC records also show that due to either a violation of probation or community corrections, Hash was re-committed to DOC on January 13, 2016 for four years, and was released again on June 28, 2019.

Hash is required to register on Indiana’s Sex and Violent Offender Registry for the rest of his life. He is considered to be a “Sexually Violent Predator.”

At some point, Hash became a resident of Greene County and Deputy Holt said last August 26, 2020, Hash went to the sheriff’s department to file his annual residence update, saying he lived at a residence on County Road 70 East in the Bloomfield area.

Anyone required to register is given instructions to report address changes within 72 hours of moving, and to report to both their home sheriff’s department and the sheriff’s department where they may be visiting any time they are in a different location for 72 hours. Hash was required to initial and date forms showing he had received these instructions and understood them.

Last week, Deputy Holt learned Kelly Portteus, the Greene County Sheriff’s Department’s Sex/Violent Offender Registrar, had concerns about Hash’s whereabouts.

Portteus had received an anonymous tip on Wednesday, May 12, through an online source, that gave information on Hash. The tipster reported Hash was no longer living in Greene County and that he was living at a location in Bloomington.

Deputies have attempted to check on Hash multiple times during the past year but they had not been able to locate him on their initial visits.

So last Thursday, May 13, Deputy Holt made two attempts to contact Hash at his address on CR 70 East in late afternoon and early evening. Nobody answered the door.

Deputy Holt tried again on Friday, May 14, and this time he was able to talk to the property owner who is Hash’s family member. The man admitted Hash no longer lived there and hadn’t lived there for over a year. He allegedly admitted that whenever deputies came to do a check, he would immediately call Hash and Hash would then drive to the residence to sign the forms saying he still lived there.

This week, early Wednesday morning, May 19, Deputy Holt was on his way to a residence on South Danlyn Road in Monroe County where the tipster said Hash was living. Deputy Holt talked to neighbors in the area.

One man in the area who moved onto a lot in the neighborhood six months ago, said Hash had lived on another lot since that time and was there every night.

Another person in the same neighborhood said she didn’t want to get involved but she did confirm that Hash had been living there and was there every night.

When Deputy Holt talked to the property manager and showed her a photo of Beau Hash, she confirmed Hash was living with a woman in the neighborhood, but she couldn’t say how often he slept there since she lived away from the park.

A criminal case was filed against Hash yesterday, Thursday, May 20, and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

After Hash was taken into custody, he was booked into the Greene County Jail at 4:01 p.m. His bond was set at $4,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. He posted $400 and was released later the same day.

Hash is facing a charge of failure to register as a sex or violent offender, a Level 6 felony.

His initial hearing in Greene Superior Court is set for Monday afternoon, June 7.