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Bloomfield man is accused of not showing back up at the Work Release Center

A Bloomfield man in the Work Release Program is accused of leaving the center with permission but not showing back up. Now he’s in custody in the Greene County Jail instead of the Work Release Center.

David Spencer Johnson 2021-07-30 finally.jpg

David Spencer Johnson

David Spencer Johnson, 29, Bloomfield, was booked into the Greene County Jail at 5:09 a.m. on Sunday, July 25. Greene County Sheriff’s Deputy Michael Stanley was the arresting officer.

Prior to his arrest, Johnson was allowed to serve in the Work Release Program as a pretrial participant in a case involving a charge of illegal possession of a syringe, a Level 6 felony. He has a couple of other criminal cases pending against him, one involving a charge of possession of cocaine, a Level 6 felony, and other drug charges. Johnson entered the program on Monday, July 19.

On Friday, July 23, Johnson was given permission to leave the work release facility at 9 a.m. to conduct business at several locations. He was supposed to return by 3:30 p.m. but he allegedly failed to show up.

Around 2:45 p.m., Special Deputy Andrew Johnson, a field officer with Greene County Community Corrections, received an alert that Johnson’s tracking device had been tampered with. The last known location of the device was on Constitution Way in Bloomington.

Johnson did not answer his cell phone and Deputy Johnson drove to the device’s last location where the device was given to him by a business manager who said the device had been turned in by an employee. At that point, Johnson’s whereabouts were unknown.

By Sunday, Johnson was back in custody. The circumstances surrounding his arrest are not known but now, in addition to his other pending cases, Johnson has a new case on his record.

When he appeared in Greene Superior Court on Tuesday, August 3, he was formally charged with failure to return to lawful detention, a Level 6 felony.