Court News on Monday: Infractions
/List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court last week, January 3-9, 2021:
Greene Superior Court, Infractions
Cody William Lemmons, failure to obey signs and markings while driving a vehicle
Deon Terrell Dickerson, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Rocky Phillip Plassmeyer, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit, no valid driver’s license
Douglas Magness, driving while suspended
Caleb Luke Belcher, disregarding stop sign
Derek A. Poole, speeding, no valid driver’s license
Mary L. Hunter, operating with expired plates, driving while suspended
Nicholas S. Toby, operating a motor vehicle without financial responsibility
Justin L. Price, no valid driver’s license
Martin L. Kemp, speeding
Benyam B. Brhane, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Dusty O. Robinson, speeding
Schmyrah Markale Carpenter, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Christin Irene Simpson, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Jeremy R. Felker, operating a motor vehicle without financial responsibility, operating a motor vehicle with a fictitious plate
Sandra D. Mathews, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Andrea Elizabeth Northington, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Erica A. Schroeder, no operator’s license in possession
Jonathon H. Mitchell, failure to register
Amber L. Skinner, operating with expired plates