Court News: Infractions
/List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court, February 14-20, 2021:
Greene Superior Court, Infractions
Clayton Michael Sluder, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 mph
Charles R. Hopkins, driving while suspended
Rolando Antonio Castillo, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Richard L. Helmerich, speeding
Ashley Morgan Branch, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 mph
Charles F. Mathena, operating with expired plates, speeding
Alfred E. Barnes, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 mph
Janet E. Bayse, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 mph
Tika Rene Murphy, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Jayden T. Payne, speeding
Jerilyn Jacob Stoltzfus, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 mph
Byron R. Turner II, operating with expired plates
Mason Allan Stoner, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 mph
Trystin A. Kirkhoff, speeding
Josette M. Rice, operating with expired plates
Loriann S. Sweeney, disregarding an official traffic control device
Taylor Wayne Weddle, failure of occupant to use safety belt, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 mph
Lance Thomas Cowan, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Jamie Renee Owen – speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Kelli Yvonne Dimmett, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Prashil Pradeep, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Jerry L. Bland, speeding
Nathaniel R. ONeall, failure of occupant to use safety belt
Amanda Dawn Fullen, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Shiv-Jhon N. Butt, speeding
Joseph E. Pedrey, speeding – local ordinance violation, Town of Lyons
Charley G. Krieg, Jr., speeding – local ordinance violation, Town of Lyons
Brittany N. Robertson, speeding – local ordinance violation, Town of Lyons
Aubree N. Christy, failure to yield right-of-way at highway from private road or driveway
Mason L. Miller, speeding
Sheilah R. Decker, speeding
Patrick J. Gardner, speeding
James N. Huggins, operating with expired plates
Cory William Ahlrichs, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Dylan L. Hefflinger, speeding
Jason J. Livingston, speeding
Charles D. Kent, driving while suspended
Jamie C. Bjella, no valid driver’s license