GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Worthington man arrested last Saturday after altercation during a backyard cookout

A WPD officer arrested a man at a backyard cookout last Saturday night in Worthington after the man allegedly belly-bumped a couple of other men to the ground in front of several witnesses.

Joshua Lee Carmichael

Joshua Lee Carmichael

Joshua Lee Carmichael, 31, Worthington, was arrested by Deputy Marshal Ryan Montgomery of the Worthington Police Department last Saturday night, August 7.

Officer Montgomery was dispatched before 8 p.m. last Saturday to a residence on Haxton Street in Worthington after dispatch got a call about an unruly man, later identified as Carmichael.

Officer Montgomery said when he arrived on scene, Carmichael was on his knees in the driveway wearing only a pair of boxer shorts with the rest of his clothes on the ground in front of him. Officer Montgomery told Carmichael to get his clothes back on. He noted that he could smell the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from Carmichael.

There were witnesses to a physical altercation that occurred during a cookout in the back yard of the residence. When Officer Montgomery talked to one man who was involved in the altercation, the man said he was trying to calm Carmichael down because Carmichael wanted to fight the man’s father. The man said Carmichael pushed him down with a chest bump then chest bumped his father to the ground.

The man’s father allegedly confirmed Carmichael had rammed him and pushed him down in the back yard. He said he hit his head on the ground. He also said he saw Carmichael in an altercation with his son and he told Carmichael to quit or he was calling the cops. When he told Carmichael he had called the cops, that’s when Carmichael knocked him down.

Officer Montgomery also talked to two women and another man who all confirmed they saw the altercation and witnessed Carmichael push and chest bump the men to the ground.

Carmichael allegedly admitted he had forcefully belly bumped one of the men but said they pushed him first.

Carmichael was arrested and transported to the Greene County Jail but on the way there, he allegedly became unruly again. Officer Montgomery reported Carmichael was banging his head on a window and on the plexiglass of the transport cage inside the vehicle.

Carmichael was booked in at 10:07 p.m. with bond set at $10,500 surety with ten percent cash allowed. As of late today/Monday, Carmichael has not yet posted bond and is still in custody.

Also today, a criminal case was filed against Carmichael in Greene Superior Court. He is facing preliminary charges of domestic battery – with a previous conviction for battery, a Level 5 felony, and battery, a Class B misdemeanor.