GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Woman found lying in an alley accused of huffing toxic vapors

A Jasonville woman was in court last Thursday after she was arrested for the second time in less than a month. In both cases, officers said she had been “huffing.” She was found lying under a tree in a backyard the first time and lying in an alley the second time.

Crystal Renee Overton

Crystal Renee Overton

Crystal Renee Overton, 31, Jasonville, was arrested on Friday afternoon, October 25, by Jasonville Police Chief Ryan Van Horn. She was in court last Thursday, October 31, for an initial hearing, for the second time in less than a month.

Overton was previously arrested on Wednesday, October 9, by JPD Officer Andrew Duguay. After the first arrest, she was charged with possession of a controlled substance, a Class A misdemeanor, and inhaling toxic vapors, a Class B misdemeanor. Her bond was set at $5,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. Shortly after she appeared in court, on Tuesday, October 15, she posted bond and was released. In less than two weeks, she was back in jail.

The circumstances surrounding the second arrest were similar to the first. JPD Chief Van Horn was dispatched to the east of East Sycamore Street in Jasonville after a man called in and said there was a woman huffing something in the alley.

When Chief Van Horn arrived, he saw Overton on the ground in the alley. He reported that as he was walking up to her, he saw her inhale “Dust-Off.” He said he picked up the “Dust-Off” and found a receipt that showed the purchase of the duster from the Dollar General store.

Overton was taken into custody and transported to the Greene County Jail.

Last Thursday, she was back in court for an initial hearing and was charged with inhaling toxic vapors, a Class B misdemeanor.

This time, she remains in jail. Following this latest arrest, on Monday, October 31, her bond in the first case was revoked.

Click on the tag “Crystal Overton” below this story to find the previous story with details about the first arrest.