GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Threats posted on Facebook lead to charge of intimidation


A woman who allegedly admitted she posted threats on Facebook has been summoned to appear in court on a charge of intimidation.

Jacqueline Sanders, 54, Jasonville, is accused of posting profanity-laced accusations and threats aimed at a family member and his roommate who also reside in the Jasonville area.

Greene County Sheriff’s Deputy Zachary Goad investigated after the threats were reported late on July 14. Police had been called to the residence in the Jasonville area earlier in the day because Sanders was there causing issues due to some type of family quarrel.

The residents provided a video and audio recording taken during that incident and the deputy reported he could hear a female yelling, saying she was going to come back and “I’ll f***** shoot you m***********.”

Later on the same day, the resident called dispatch again and said Sanders had made more threats on Facebook.

Goad photographed the posts on Facebook, allegedly made by Sanders. Goad included the wording of the threats in a probable cause affidavit. They were also profanity-laced but included phrases such as “I’m out to get every one of you” and “don’t underestimate me” and “Jackie blue is coming for you.”

When Deputy Goad talked to Sanders, she allegedly admitted she did post all the posts on Facebook, but said she did not threaten to shoot them and did not know what he was talking about.

Greene County Deputy Prosecutor Cheryl Stone filed a criminal case against Sanders in early August in Greene Superior Court.

Sanders has been summoned to appear in court in September on a preliminary charge of intimidation, a Class A misdemeanor.