GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

What happened? Woman stabbed nine times by suspect in attempted murder

What happened? Woman stabbed nine times by suspect in attempted murder

A woman who was stabbed nine times by her boyfriend told police he turned and stabbed her in the neck without warning then continued to stab her as she fled the house. Police later found him in the street talking about aliens, voices and people tied up in the basement.

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Suspect in Wednesday night stabbing held without bond on attempted murder charge

Suspect in Wednesday night stabbing held without bond on attempted murder charge

A Linton man with two criminal cases pending against him, one involving an assault, the other stalking and intimidating behavior, was arrested last night, less than a week after he posted bond and was released from jail. Now’s he’s accused of stabbing his girlfriend. Her injuries are said to be serious but not life threatening.

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Second criminal case filed against Linton man accused of series of threats

Second criminal case filed against Linton man accused of series of threats

By the time a Linton man, arrested last week, accused of a series of threats and threatening behavior including stalking, made his appearance in court yesterday, a second criminal case had been filed against him and he was charged with battery resulting in bodily injury in addition to stalking and intimidation.

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Linton man thrown in jail, accused of series of threats and threatening behavior

Linton man thrown in jail, accused of series of threats and threatening behavior

Within the past month, police in two counties received at least four reports, possibly more, of threatening behavior by a Linton man toward more than one person. On Sunday, he allegedly threw a brick through a woman’s window after he said he was going to cut her up with a knife. Linton police officers put him in jail.

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