GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Case involving misuse of F.O.P. funds takes step forward with appointment of Special Prosecutor

A special prosecutor was appointed this week to supervise the ongoing investigation into a possible misuse of funds from Linton Lodge #105 Fraternal Order of Police (F.O.P.) and to make the decision whether or not to file criminal charges.

In late August, ISP Sgt. Michael Wood confirmed an investigation into “misuse of funds” from the local F.O.P., which serves all officers in Greene County, was underway but said no additional details were available at that stage of the investigation.

Officer Wayman JR Blazier of the Bloomfield Police Department, who serves as President of the Linton F.O.P., also confirmed the investigation.

“The Linton Lodge No. 105 Fraternal Order of Police Executive Board was made aware of the misuse of funds after our August monthly meeting,” said Blazier at that time. “The incident was brought to my attention and the investigation has been turned over to the Indiana State Police.

“The Executive Board is cooperating completely with the ongoing investigation and no further details can be released at this time,” said Blazier. “The identity of the member in question will not be named. Any and all suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.”

Although ISP and F.O.P. did not confirm the identity of anyone under investigation, Linton Police Chief Paul Clark did confirm that LPD Officer Debbie McDonald had been placed on administrative leave the same week.

Then in early October, the F.O.P. filed a civil suit against McDonald alleging over $28,000 in funds had been “misappropriated” during the time McDonald served as the organization’s treasurer.

As of early today, Thursday, November 4, no criminal charges have been filed, but there was a sign this week that the investigation has been moving forward – Greene County Prosecutor Jarrod Holtsclaw filed a petition asking that a special prosecutor be appointed to the matter in order to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

On Monday, November 1, Judge Erik Allen of Greene Circuit Court approved Holtsclaw’s motion and issued an order appointing Senior Prosecutor Stanley Levco of Evansville as special prosecutor to supervise the investigation, make charging decisions, and prosecute the case if criminal charges are filed. The length of the special prosecutor’s term is for however long it takes to fully investigate the matter and to prosecute the case.

All parties involved were notified of the order on Tuesday. Assuming the appointment is accepted, there is still no indication as to whether the investigation has wrapped up or not, or when the charging decision might be made.

To read other stories posted on GreeneStreets about this matter, click on a Tag below this story for “Linton F.O.P.” or “Debbie McDonald.”