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Solsberry man accused of disconnecting phone line during a 911 call

A man accused of disconnecting a phone line while a woman was talking to a 911 dispatcher allegedly started shaking his hips until his pants fell off when a trooper placed him under arrest.

Michael Rayne Henline

Michael Rayne Henline

Michael Rayne Henline, 26, Solsberry, was arrested by Indiana State Police Trooper Caleb Garvin on Wednesday, April 10.

On that day, Trooper Garvin and ISP Sgt. Greg Day were both covering calls into the Greene County Sheriff’s Department while GCSD personnel were attending a funeral. The two were dispatched to the Solsberry area after a woman called in and said Henline was using an axe handle to destroy things in a home.

The initial call into 911 was disconnected, but the caller later called back to provide more information.

When the troopers arrived at a home on North Patterson Road, they talked to the caller who said Henline had gotten very upset when she asked him why he had taken her Red Bull drink from the refrigerator. She alleged Henline had taken a wooden axe handle and hit a plastic dresser and Garvin reported the top of the dresser was broken with a hole in it, and a wooden axe handle was lying nearby.

The woman said she called 911 but while she was talking to the dispatcher, Henline unplugged the phone line which caused the call to be disconnected.

Henline had left the home before the officers arrived, but they located him nearby at a family member’s residence.

Trooper Garvin reported that when he talked to Henline, he admitted that he unplugged the telephone while the woman was talking with 911 dispatch. He said he did it to keep her from making “false accusations.”

Henline was then placed into handcuffs and when he asked if he was being arrested, Garvin told him he was being placed under arrest for interfering with a 911 call.

In a probable cause document prepared by Garvin, he wrote, “After stating that he was under arrest, Henline began to shake his hips. As his hips shook, his pair of cargo shorts fell off his person and onto the ground beneath him.”

Garvin then conducted a search of Henline, and the cargo shorts. He reported he found a glass smoking device consistent with those used to ingest methamphetamine.

Henline was booked into the Greene County Jail where his bond was set at $1,500 surety with ten percent cash allowed. He later posted $150 cash, was released and scheduled to appear in court on April 18.

Henline is facing preliminary charges of interference with the reporting of a crime, a Class A misdemeanor, and possession of paraphernalia, a Class C misdemeanor.