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Jasonville woman accused of threatening to stab volunteer at Greene County Humane Shelter

A Jasonville woman is accused of threatening to stab a volunteer at the Greene County Humane Shelter when the woman was there to surrender cats for adoption.

Amy Romine, 38, Jasonville, is being summoned to appear in Greene Superior Court on May 6 for an initial hearing on a preliminary charge of intimidation, a Class A misdemeanor.

Greene County Sheriff’s Deputy James Carpenter was dispatched to the Greene County Humane Shelter on Wednesday afternoon, April 3, after a volunteer at the shelter called the sheriff’s department. The caller said Romine was acting paranoid, schizo and had threatened to stab her and find her family. She said the incident was on video.

When Deputy Carpenter arrived and talked to the volunteer, he learned Romine had gone to the shelter to surrender some cats for adoption. Romine was asked to fill out an animal release form and the volunteer said during the process, Romine kept ringing the service doorbell for assistance.

Carpenter reported the volunteer said Romine became upset when Romine had to pick up a kitten by the scruff of its neck because it was clawing and biting her. The volunteer alleged Romine was standing by the service desk with a pen in her hand when she said she was going to stab the volunteer and find her family. When the volunteer then asked Romine to leave, Romine grabbed two cats and left in a red passenger car.

Deputy Carpenter said another volunteer at the shelter was a witness to the incident and the shelter provided him with a copy of the surveillance video.

The next day, when Carpenter went to Romine’s residence and asked what happened at the shelter the day before, Romine said nothing, but she gave some cats to the shelter. She allegedly said nothing else happened except the people at the shelter were acting like weirdos and tripping her out by the way they were grabbing the cats. She also said she wanted one of her cats back. Romine said she did not threaten to stab anyone with a pen.