GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Shoplifter runs away with batteries and super glue

Preliminary theft charges have been filed against a Jasonville woman after she allegedly took items from the Family Dollar Store without paying on Dec. 26.

Jasonville Police Department Chief Ryan VanHorn responded to a call from a Family Dollar Store manager stating the store’s inventory control system had gone off and she believed a female — later identified as Shawnice Morell — had taken items from the store. The manager told Chief VanHorn she advised Morell to come back into the store; however, she allegedly ran across the street into the area of a gas station. 

A witness stated she and Morell were at the Family Dollar Store together and when Morell set off the door alarm, she started walking toward the west.  

VanHorn located Morell near the intersection of Southeast Washington Street and East Sycamore. When speaking with her, Morell denied taking anything from the store. Morell later admitted, according to the probable cause affidavit, to stealing two packs of batteries and super glue. Morell surrendered the stolen property to VanHorn who returned it to the Family Dollar Store. The total value of the stolen items was $17.39.

A no-trespass order against Morell was filed by the store manager. The order was served to Morell on Lisa Sullivan filed on Dec. 26.