GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Linton man arrested for disorderly conduct last Friday night

A Linton man who was upset over a custody issue involving his children was arrested for disorderly conduct for repeatedly using profanity while yelling and pacing around in the street in front of a Linton home last Friday evening.

Jordan Matthew Sharp, 34, Linton, was arrested by Officer Wayman JR Blazier of the Linton Police Department last Friday, April 22.

Officer Blazier was dispatched around 5:48 PM last Friday after the LPD got a call from a woman who said her son, Jordan Sharp, was standing in the middle of the street yelling and being unruly and she would like him to leave.

When Officer Blazier arrived, Sharp was extremely upset, using profanities while standing in the middle of the street yelling and pointing at his mother. He was advised to calm down and talk. Sharp allegedly said his children were there at his parents’ residence and he did not want them there and he wanted to take them away. And then he started yelling profanities again while still in the street and was once again advised to calm down or risk being charged with disorderly conduct.

When Officer Blazier talked to the grandmother, he learned the children had been placed in the custody of the grandparents by a DCS worker in Morgan County. The grandmother said she was trying to do right for her grandkids and can't do that with Sharp acting the way he was. While they were speaking, Sharp continued yelling and using profanity, took off his shirt and started flexing and pacing back and forth in the roadway.

Sharp was advised to get his things and leave and he did start to gather his belongings but then became angry and started arguing with Officer Blazier. Sharp ended up being taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

On the way to jail, Sharp allegedly started yelling and using profanity in the patrol vehicle, said the officer was going to kill him and started yelling for someone to help him. Officer Blazier reported that at one point, Sharp smacked his head against a window in the vehicle.

Sharp was booked into the Greene County Jail at 6:51 PM with bond set at $500 surety with 10% cash allowed. As of late Monday, April 25, he had not yet posted bond and remained in custody.

Sharp is scheduled to appear for his initial hearing tomorrow morning in Greene Superior Court on a charge of disorderly conduct - engaging in fighting or tumultuous conduct, a Class B misdemeanor.