GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

INDOT: Closures planned for SR 54 in Greene and Lawrence counties

INDOT Circle, INDOT Drives Indiana.jpg

The Indiana Department of Transportation has announced road closures coming for State Road 54 in Greene and Lawrence counties.

Beginning on or around Monday, June 11, contractors will close SR 54 about eight miles west of the junction of SR 37 near Bedford to replace a box culvert. This operations is expected to last for about two weeks.

Following the replacement, crews will move about three miles west and replace a second box culvert on SR 54 near I-69.

Depending upon weather conditions the entire project is expected to last until mid to late July. Closures will be in place around the clock.

The official detour uses SR 54 and SR 58.

INDOT urges drivers to slow down and stay alert near crews.