GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Harley rider charged with OVWI

A man suspected of riding his Harley while intoxicated was in court early today on an OVWI charge. He was arrested in March after being found on the ground beside the motorcycle in a parking lot in Jasonville.

William Gregg Ogen

William Gregg Ogen

William Gregg Ogden, 43, Jasonville, formerly of Lyons, was arrested by Officer Dustin Cain of the Jasonville Police Department early Sunday, March 21, after Officer Cain responded to an incident late Saturday night, March 20.

Ogden was booked in at 3:44 a.m. on March 21 to the Greene County Jail where his bond was set at $4,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. He posted $400, was released later the same day, and given a date for his initial hearing.

When Ogden appeared in Greene Superior Court earlier today, Thursday, April 8, he was charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated, a Class C misdemeanor. During the hearing, Ogden requested a court-appointed attorney but the judge determined he did not qualify for a public defender.

Officer Cain was dispatched to a parking lot of Laker Lofts Apartments in Jasonville on Saturday, March 20, after a woman called 911 and said a man was outside revving up the engine of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. She said he had been laying on the pavement, laying under someone else’s vehicle, had been walking around, and she thought he was intoxicated.

When Officer Cain arrived, he found Ogden on his back beside a motorcycle. Ogden sat up but said he couldn’t feel his legs. He said he didn’t live at the apartments but lived in Jasonville. He said he didn’t need an ambulance, said he had not wrecked and didn’t know how he got there but he was fine. He allegedly admitted he had been drinking Tequila Sunrises. At one point during their conversation, Ogden allegedly asked Officer Cain if he wanted to go get some Applebee’s.

Officer Cain said Ogden exhibited signs of intoxication but denied he had been driving. However, the exhaust pipes on the motorcycle were ticking and two witnesses said they saw Ogden riding the motorcycle into the lot and parking it.

Ogden was taken into custody and since he refused to take sobriety tests or submit to any testing, a search warrant was obtained and after being transported to the Linton Police Department, a blood draw was collected by personnel from the Greene County Ambulance Service – results pending.