GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Driver cited for passing school bus with stop arm activated and red lights flashing

A driver cited after school today for passing a WRV school bus, with stop arm activated and red lights flashing, allegedly said he didn’t know he had to stop for the flashing red lights.

Payton M. Ball, 17, Worthington, was issued a citation by Officer Ryan Montgomery of the Worthington Police Department for a school bus stop-arm violation that occurred on Friday afternoon, October 29.

After school this afternoon, the Worthington Police Department was on patrol in the area of South Jefferson Street and Harrah Street in Worthington.

Around 3:30 p.m., Officer Montgomery observed a black Ford Escape traveling northbound on South Jefferson near Harrah while a White River Valley school bus was located near the intersection. Officer Montgomery reported the school bus was stopped, facing south on South Jefferson, with its stop arm activated and red lights flashing.

The Ford Escape allegedly disregarded the stop arm and the red flashing lights and passed the school bus.

Officer Montgomery initiated a traffic stop on the Ford Escape on County Road 200 West near State Road 157.

Ball was identified as the driver. According to Officer Montgomery, Ball admitted to passing the stopped school bus and said he did not realize he had to stop for the flashing red lights.