GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Domestic disturbance results in arrest on three felony charges

When deputies arrived at an active domestic disturbance in Switz City last Saturday, one man was arrested on three felony charges including domestic battery plus strangulation and criminal confinement.

robert michael shipley jr

Robert Michael Shipley Jr., 47, Bloomfield, was arrested by Deputy Devan Goad of the Greene County Sheriff's Department last Saturday, April 1.

Deputy Goad, the investigating officer, was dispatched to a domestic disturbance on Charlotte Ave. in Switz City after a caller told the dispatcher it might be physical and Robert Shipley could possibly be in possession of a gun. Deputy Andrew Weeks and Deputy James Carpenter also responded to the scene to assist.

When he arrived, a woman who was outside the house was emotionally upset, crying and said Shipley flipped out when she tried to show him a picture of their granddaughter. She said Shipley had hit her and choked her. She had red marks on her neck and throat area.

Shipley was asked to come out of the house and when he did, he was handcuffed and escorted to a squad car. According to Deputy Goad, Shipley said they had a verbal argument over their kids and grandkids and the woman wanted to leave but he didn't want her to leave. He told the deputy she was screaming and hollering over nothing. He said he wanted to leave but the woman was hooting and hollering, screaming bloody murder and throwing toys. He had fresh blood on his right hand by his ring finger and he said he must have cut it on his ring. When asked how the woman got the marks on her, Shipley allegedly said he didn't know because she'd been hollering, throwing stuff and grabbing her face. He said he put his hand up when she was throwing stuff, but he didn't think that he touched her.

When Deputy Carpenter talked to the woman, she told him Shipley got mad at her because the kids are not talking to them and she didn't want to deal with it so she told Shipley she was going to leave and she called her mother to come and get her. She allegedly said Shipley freaked out and started throwing her around the house by grabbing her head, arms, hair, and throat and that when he placed his hands around her neck, she wasn't able to breathe. She alleged he shoved her against a wall and trapped her in a corner then when she was packing her stuff to leave, he started throwing her clothing everywhere. When she finally got out of the bedroom and down the stairs, he allegedly placed his hand over her mouth and caused her not to be able to breathe. She said she got him to let go by biting his hand. When a deputy knocked on the door, she alleged Shipley told her don't make me go to jail and that he was leaving.

Deputy Goad noted that Shipley has a previous conviction of domestic battery in Monroe County in 2010.

Shipley was transported to the Greene County Sheriff's Department where he was booked into jail at 1:11 PM with bond set at $12,000 surety with 10% cash allowed. When he posted $1200 and was released on April 2, he was ordered to have no contact with the alleged victim and given a court date.

Shipley is scheduled to appear for his initial hearing in Greene Superior Court early Thursday, April 6 on charges of:

  • Domestic battery with a prior conviction, a Level 6 felony,

  • Strangulation, a Level 6 felony, and

  • Confinement, a Level 6 felony.