GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Charges filed for driving under the influence of drugs

When a sheriff's deputy arrived at a parking lot in Worthington last September to check on a situation, he suspected a Bloomfield woman had been driving under the influence but she refused to take a chemical test and was not arrested at the time. However, a blood draw was obtained and after the results came back from the lab, a criminal case was recently filed against her.

Sarah Frye, 43, Bloomfield, is facing charges of:

  • Operating a vehicle while intoxicated, a Class C misdemeanor, and

  • Operating a vehicle with a controlled substance in the body, a Class C misdemeanor.

Around 7:05 PM on September 7, 2021, Greene County Dispatch put information out over the radio that a woman who appeared to be under the influence of something was sitting in a white Hyundai passenger car in the parking lot of the Dollar General store in Worthington.

Deputy Coy responded and when he arrived around 7:17 PM, he found the vehicle unoccupied. A few minutes later, Sarah Frye came walking out of the store and Deputy Coy reported her uncoordinated movements gave the appearance of impairment. The report states her speech was rapid, her balance was poor and she had involuntary head jerking. She walked to the passenger side of the vehicle and opened the door, saying she did not need an ambulance and was waiting on her kid to meet her there so she could leave.

Deputy Coy parked at the Country Mark gas station next to the Dollar General and at 8:25 PM, he saw Frye get out of the passenger side of the vehicle and get in the driver's seat. She then backed out of her parking space and headed to the end of the parking lot, stopping at the stop sign before entering State Road 67. But Deputy Coy got behind her vehicle and then she did not continue past the stop sign. Instead she placed her vehicle in reverse and he backed up to allow her to park back in the parking lot. When he talked to Frye, she allegedly said she was just going to get gas. When he asked for her driver’s license, she sorted through her wallet but didn't seem to understand which card she was looking for. When Deputy Coy checked the records, he discovered Frye did not have a valid driver’s license - it was suspended.

Frye was asked to exit the vehicle for standard field sobriety testing which she failed. She was transported to the Sheriff's Department to conduct standard field sobriety testing in a more controlled environment  - she failed again. She later agreed to submit to a blood draw and when the results were finally returned from the Indiana State Department of Toxicology, the analysis indicated she had hydrocodone, methamphetamine and pseudoephedrine in her blood.

Frye is being summoned to appear in Greene Superior Court for her initial hearing on May 12.