GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Bloomfield couple jailed after attack on another woman

A Bloomfield couple was arrested over the weekend after an officer responded to a fight in the parking lot of a Bloomfield business.

Brandon Lee Lash

Brandon Lee Lash

Katherine Elizabeth Edwards

Katherine Elizabeth Edwards

Brandon Lee Lash, 39, and Katherine Elizabeth Edwards, 25, both of Bloomfield, were arrested by Deputy Marshal Wayman JR Blazier of the Bloomfield Police Department early Sunday, May 2, after officers were called to an incident late last Saturday night.

Shortly before midnight last Saturday, Officer Blazier responded after the night clerk at Huck’s Fuel in Bloomfield called 911 to report a fight taking place in the parking lot. The caller said the fight was between two women. The caller said one of them had gotten into a gold Dodge Durango and left but the other one, the alleged victim, was still in the parking lot.

When Officer Blazier arrived, he talked to the woman who was still there who said there was a valid protective order against Lash, that she had gone into the store and when she left the store after her purchase, Lash was parked next to her and his girlfriend, Edwards, came out of the store behind her and attacked her.

The night clerk witnessed the incident and said Edwards was standing in line then when the woman left, Edwards ran out after the woman, threw her own drink onto the ground, without paying for it, grabbed the woman and pushed her onto the ground. Then Lash got out of his vehicle, grabbed Edwards and took her back to the truck, “flipped off” the woman, then left the scene.

When the officer viewed video from the store’s surveillance system, he reported the video shows the woman paying for her items with Edwards standing in the line behind her. The woman exited the store and headed to her vehicle then Edwards ran out after her, threw her drink on the ground and went after the woman, who tries to back away. The video allegedly shows that Edwards grabbed the woman by her sweatshirt, punched her in the face with a closed fist then threw the woman onto the ground. Lash then walked up, grabbed Edwards and they went back to their vehicle. Due to the camera angle, one cannot see whether Lash “flipped off” the woman.

Officer Blazier and Deputy Devan Goad of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department arrived at the residence of Lash and Edwards in Bloomfield not long after the incident took place. After talking to both of them, they were taken into custody and transported to the Greene County Jail. Lash was booked in at 12:38 a.m., Edwards at 12:47 a.m.

Bond for Edwards was set at $1,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. She posted $100 and was released later the same day.

Lash was first held without bond pending court appearance. During his initial hearing on Tuesday, his bond was set at $10,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. He has since posted $1,000 and been released.

Lash has been charged with invasion of privacy in violation of a protective order, a Class A misdemeanor.

Edwards is facing a charge of battery resulting in bodily injury, a Class A misdemeanor. Her initial hearing is set for May 20.