The old Bell from the Greene County Courthouse is on display in the gazebo on the east side of the courthouse in Bloomfield, Indiana.

Court News: Infractions

List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court July 8-July 10, 2024:

Greene Superior Court Infractions

Kathy A. Chambers, operating a vehicle without financial responsibility, operating a motor vehicle with fictitious plates, driving while suspended

Kane W. Thomas, speeding

Jennifer L. Linthicum, speeding

Breeanna J. Burton, speeding

Courtney N. Abbitt, speeding

Adrian T. Daugherty, speeding—exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Dustin C. Pischel, speeding

Thang Cung Thang, taking or possessing an undersized black bass is taken from lakes or reservoirs

David C. Lengacher, speeding

Brittney R. Adams, no valid driver’s license

Shayla D. Robinson, unsafe lane movement

Dylan M. Moore, speeding

Josiah J. Oetjen, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Tessa D. Jaggers, driving while suspended

Ariel D. Robertson, speeding

Alyssa B. Hamburg, speeding

Donald R. Mercer, speeding—exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Jessica R. Miller, driving while suspended