The old Bell from the Greene County Courthouse is on display in the gazebo on the east side of the courthouse in Bloomfield, Indiana.

Court News: Criminal

List of all criminal cases filed in Greene Circuit and Superior Courts, July 8-July 10, 2024:

Greene Circuit Court Criminal Cases 

State v. William R. Sagarsee, two counts of intimidation—defendant draws or uses a deadly weapon, criminal recklessness committed with a deadly weapon, invasion of privacy

Greene Superior Court Criminal Cases

State v. Robert Brian Callihan, possession of methamphetamine, possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia

State v. Jacob Briar Hayden, burglary, theft, criminal mischief

State v. Anthony Lee Hayne, shooting from or across a public highway

State v. Zachariah Adam Query, battery resulting in bodily injury

State v. Vernon Christopher Chambers, domestic battery on a person less than 14 years old

State v. James Wilson David Chesser, burglary, theft

State v. Stephen A. Miller, burglary, theft, possession of methamphetamine, possession of paraphernalia

State v. Aaron Joseph Smith, two counts of domestic battery, interference with the reporting of a crime

State v. Adrian L. Graber, hunting wild animals with a license—only for white tailed deer or wild turkey, hunting or taking a game bird without a game bird habitat stamp, hunting with the aid or a motor driven conveyance

State v. Jason Zehr, hunting wild animals with a license—only for white tailed deer or wild turkey, hunting or taking a game bird without a game bird habitat stamp

State v. Christopher Raney, driving while suspended—knowing violation and prior conviction within 10 years

State v. James Willard Hanifen, unauthorized entry of a motor vehicle

State v. Samirkumar Shaileshkumar Patel, operating a vehicle while intoxicated endangering a person, operating a vehicle while intoxicated—first offense and no endangerment, operating a vehicle with an alcohol concentration equivalent to at least .08 but less than .15

State v. McKaylee Renae Thomas, strangulation, domestic battery

State v. Robert Secrest, battery resulting in bodily injury, disorderly conduct

State v. Kimberly R. Bland, theft where the value of property is between $750 and $50,000, theft when the defendant has a prior conviction for either theft or conversion

State v. Kimberly R. Bland, disorderly conduct

State v. Matthew Lewandowski, driving while suspended—knowing violation and prior conviction within 10 years