Court News: Infractions
/List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court last week, February 24-March 2, 2019:
Greene Superior Court, Infractions
Chelsi K. White, operating with expired plates
Kelsey R. Patrick, operating with expired plates
Leo F. Doll, federal motor carrier safety regulation violation
Austin Wayne Hudoff Hillenburg, unlawful possession of tobacco – minor in possession of tobacco or electronic cigarette
Brett S. Harley, driving left of center
Nathaniel D. Higgins, speeding
James D. Meade, Jr., speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Marvin L. Brewer, driving while suspended
Zachary E. Gaither, unlawful possession of tobacco – minor in possession of tobacco or electronic cigarette
Melissa A. Ferree, driving while suspended
Brandi L. Brewer, no valid driver’s license, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Andrew M. La Bate, speeding
Natalie E. Cromp, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Madison T. Bohnert, speeding
Treyton M. Baughman, no operators license in possession, operating with expired plates
James M. Forker, disregarding stop sign
Andrew M. Edmondson, disregarding stop sign
Gabrian N. Burris, failure to obey sign or traffic control device, local ordinance violation – City of Linton
Quentin W. Simmons, failure to obey sign or traffic control device, local ordinance violation – City of Linton
Cody P. Jackson, failure to obey sign or traffic control device, local ordinance violation – City of Linton
Christopher N. McGee, Jr., failure to obey sign or traffic control device, local ordinance violation – City of Linton
Adam Shoemaker, speeding, no valid driver’s license
Thomas Shaw, speeding
Timothy W. Ennis, operating with expired plates
Johnthan M. Matlock, failure to change lanes for authorized emergency vehicle