Court News: Infractions
/List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court last week:
Greene Superior Court, Infractions
Derek B. Alderson, illegal passing of a stopped school bus
Jeffery Scott Thompson, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Kyle James Lime, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Christian L. Sergent, driving while suspended
John S. Hampton, driving while suspended, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Ivan Jerome Pone, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Jerome Lee Howe IV, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Jordan Hall, operating a motor vehicle without financial responsibility
Jack D. Stanger, owner allows dog to stray beyond owner’s premises
Sun Huh, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Brayana Nyree Waldon Fowler, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Robert R. Secrest, disregarding an official traffic control device
Tanaviah Renee Hinton, driving while suspended, child restraint system violation – child at least eight but less than 16 years of age
Sharia Shenee Stephens, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Willie F. Wilson III, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Phyllis S. Collis-Smith, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Adrianna Kay Burke, following too closely