GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Suspect's attempt to block an officer did not go well

Earlier this month, the suspect in an investigation and a couple of family members attempted to block an officer from leaving the area after an interview. They stood in front and in back of the officer’s vehicle and refused to move. The suspect then threw himself onto the hood as if he’d been hit. This did not go well for the suspect.

Jess Alan Barrix

Jess Alan Barrix

Jess Alan Barrix, 25, Linton, was arrested by Officer Alan Jackson of the Linton Police Department on Thursday, July 1.

Barrix was booked into the Greene County Jail at 8:27 p.m. with bond set at $500 surety with ten percent cash allowed. He posted $50, was released the same night, and given a day to appear in court for an initial hearing. In preparation for that hearing, a criminal case was filed in Greene Superior Court earlier today, Monday, July 12.

Barrix is facing a charge of refusal to aid an officer. It’s a Class B misdemeanor. The circumstances that led to this charge were detailed in a probable cause affidavit written by Officer Jackson.

On Thursday, July 1, Barrix was a suspect in an investigation by Officer Jackson. After interviewing Barrix outside the Barrix residence on F Street NW in Linton, Officer Jackson went back to his patrol vehicle to leave the area.

Officer Jackson wrote that after he returned to his vehicle, Jess Barrix, Mary Barrix and Joseph Barrix all moved to block the patrol vehicle on F Street NW and refused to move out of the way of the vehicle so Officer Jackson could leave. He said the vehicle was facing west and Jess Barrix was blocking the front of the vehicle to the west and Joseph Barrix was blocking it to the east. Officer Jackson radioed LPD Dispatch to start additional officers his way.

Officer Jackson then opened the door on the driver’s side, stood up and asked Jess Barrix to get out of the way.

“I asked Jess nicely to move out of the way from my patrol vehicle,” wrote Jackson. “I once again asked Jess to move. Jess asked why. I informed Jess if he would not move, I would arrest him for refusal to aid an officer. I told Jess I was going to try and move and if he did not move, he was going to be arrested. Jess still argued and refused to move.”

Officer Jackson then sat back down in his vehicle, put it in drive and turned the wheels to go around Jess Barrix, with his foot on the brake to move as slowly as possible.

“As my patrol vehicle slowly crept to the right, Jess repositioned himself to the front center of my vehicle to refuse me from leaving and blocking the roadway. Jess refusing to move, he then threw himself on the hood of my patrol vehicle to act as if I hit him,” said Jackson.

At that point, Officer Jackson put the vehicle in park and stepped out to put Jess Barrix in handcuffs. Jess Barrix tensed up and started to pull away but he was handcuffed.

“Jess tried to claim I hit him with my patrol vehicle and I told him no, you jumped on my vehicle,” said Jackson.

Jess Barrix was then placed in the backseat of the patrol vehicle for the trip to jail, but Officer Jackson reported at that point, Mary Barrix started yelling at him.

“Mary told Joseph to stand in front of my vehicle. Mary then stood behind my vehicle, both blocking me from leaving and blocking the roadway. Mary continued to yell uncontrollably. I once again asked Joseph to move from blocking my vehicle, which Joseph refused.

Additional officers then arrived on the scene and after they talked to both Mary Barrix and Joseph Barrix, they moved out of the way and Officer Jackson left to transport Jess Barrix to the Greene County Jail.