GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Primary election results for City of Jasonville are in

Final results are in for Tuesday’s Primary Election held in the City of Jasonville. 

Two Republican candidates were on the ballot to see who will face former mayor Roy Terrell, Sr., in the November General Election. Incumbent Larry Watters, Sr., was defeated by Eric Sipeman. Siepman carried 64% (115) votes, while Watters had 34% (63) votes. 

In the race for City Council Ward 4, Republican Kathy May easily defeated Republican Ricci Dicus with 78% of the votes. May had 137 votes, while Dicus had 38. At this time, there is not a Democrat on the ballot for the November General Election. 

These two races were the only contested for the City of Jasonville.