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Linton man accused of sexual battery

When a Linton man appeared in court earlier this week for an initial hearing, he was charged with sexual battery.

Anthony Joe Lewis

Anthony Joe Lewis

Anthony Joe “AJ” Lewis, 35, Linton, was arrested on June 27 after a warrant was issued for his arrest on a charge of sexual battery where victim was compelled to submit by force or imminent threat of force, a Level 6 felony.

After the alleged victim of the battery had gone in to the Linton Police Department to make a report on June 8, she then went to Greene County General Hospital. The alleged battery took place outside of Linton and the Greene County Sheriff’s Department was notified of the incident.

GCSD Deputy James Carpenter began an investigation that same day and talked to the woman while she was at the hospital. Shortly after that, he talked to Lewis at his residence.

Both the alleged victim and Lewis said Lewis had been drinking prior to the time the incident allegedly occurred.

The alleged victim claimed Lewis had reached his arm around her and placed his left hand on her throat then reached around her with his right hand and grabbed her inappropriately while holding his body against hers. She said she told him to stop and let go three times and as she tried to pull away, he tightened his hand on her neck. She said he let go when one of the others walked up behind them.

Deputy Carpenter reported Lewis said he had been “buzzed” that night, friends picked him up, and they ended up at a house but he couldn’t remember the friends’ names and couldn’t remember where the house was. He denied seeing the alleged victim at the house.

When the two other individuals who were at the house were questioned, they said they did not see anything happen, but one said Lewis had told him he did put his arm around the woman to try to calm her down.

After Lewis was arrested by GCSD Deputy Terry Wade and booked into jail, his bond was set at $4,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. He posted $400 cash, was released and scheduled to appear in court this week.

During his initial hearing, a public defender was appointed to represent him and he was ordered to have no contact with the alleged victim.

His case is due back in court in late August for a pre-trial conference.