GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Jasonville man goes to jail after allegedly yelling profanities and scuffling with an officer

After a Jasonville man, accused of being belligerent and yelling profanities, got into a scuffle with a Jasonville police officer, he wound up in jail on preliminary charges of resisting law enforcement and disorderly conduct.

Jerry Lee Anderson

Jerry Lee Anderson

Jerry Lee Anderson, 54, Jasonville, was arrested by JPD Officer Dustin Cain early Saturday, November 3, after Cain responded to a home on Levy Street in Jasonville on the report that Anderson would not leave the residence even though asked. A woman requested law enforcement come and remove him.

Officer Cain said when he stepped inside the home, Anderson was standing near a bed where a woman was lying, on oxygen. She said an ambulance had dropped him off at her home the night before and she’d asked him to leave but he wouldn’t. She also said he had recently lit a cigarette while standing near her with her oxygen on.

Anderson was asked to step outside, then informed the woman wanted him to leave. Anderson allegedly said the woman had stolen his nerve medication. When the officer said he’d ask about the medication when he went back in to get Anderson’s coat and cigarettes for him, Anderson said he would ask her himself if she wanted him to leave.

Officer Cain said when he asked Anderson to stay outside, Anderson started yelling loudly and became belligerent. He was told to be quiet but he continued yelling profanities, loudly. After being told he could be arrested for disorderly conduct, and after being asked three more times to quit yelling, Anderson was told to turn around and place his hands behind his back.

Anderson did not comply and when the officer attempted to get hold of his arm, the situation escalated – the two went off the porch and into the yard, then to the ground. Anderson continued to struggle until the officer drew his Taser. At that point, Anderson cooperated.

Officer Cain reported he could smell alcohol on Anderson’s breath, and Anderson tested with a BAC of .19 on a portable breath test.

Anderson was transported to jail where his bond was set at $1,500 surety with ten percent cash. He was released later the same day after posting $150 cash.

Anderson is facing charges of resisting law enforcement, a Class A misdemeanor, and disorderly conduct involving unreasonable noise, a Class B misdemeanor. He is scheduled to appear in Greene Superior Court on Thursday, November 15, for his initial hearing.