GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

GreeneStreets does accept faxes

Although news via email is preferred in most cases, if you are an agency or organization that needs to fax information to GreeneStreets, the toll-free fax number is 855-578-7538.

After years (since the days of the Worthington Times) of using the same fax service without a hitch - it’s been reliable, easy to use, at a reasonable price, our faxes started coming in garbled up and unreadable. Thought it was the sender’s issue and was hoping they’d get it fixed soon. Then when another sender’s fax came in garbled up, I realized it was our fax service!

By that time, we missed posting an important story about a tragic shooting as well as other news and log activity.

Tech support to the rescue and the garbling problem has been fixed.

If you notice a late story being posted, that’s the reason why. It’s a good time to do a little catch-up work.