GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Greene County Health Department shares COVID-19 related info and updates

Health Administrator Shari Lewis of the Greene County Health Department has shared a number of COVID-19 related updates including information on the Governor’s order to move the state into Stage 5 of Indiana’s Back On Track plan; resources for schools and youth; flu vaccine information; and some new guidance from the CDC.

COVID-19 Executive Orders

  • Governor Holcomb has issued the 7th renewal of the public health emergency declaration for the COVID-19 outbreak and is moving Indiana to Stage 5 with Executive Order 20-43; see updated details and guidance at  Under Stage 5, effective September 26th through October 17th:

  • Face coverings remain required for all Hoosiers as well as social distancing; frequent handwashing/hand sanitizing; and, not going to work, school or public places if you feel sick.

  • Size limitations for social gathering and meetings are removed; however, organizers of events with more than 500 people in attendance will be required to submit a written plan to the health department that outlines measures to mitigate COVID-19. 

  • Restaurants and bars that serve food may open at full capacity as long as six feet of space to maintain social distancing is in place. Six feet must be maintained between tables and customers must be seated at a table or counter.

  • Indoor and outdoor venues may open at full capacity with social distancing measures in place.  Senior centers and congregate meal sites may open with precautions.  Personal services and gyms and fitness centers may resume normal operations with social distancing safeguards and cleaning protocols in place.

  • Hoosiers 65 and older and individuals with known high-risk medical conditions should limit gathering with those outside of their household or regular “Social Bubble.”

COVID-19 School Updates

Cold and Flu Season Recommendations

  • This year is more important than ever to make sure that you can protect yourself and others around you from the flu, and reduce the strain on health clinics, hospitals and labs responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Some people who get vaccinated may still get sick. However, flu vaccination has been shown in some studies to reduce severity of illness in people who get vaccinated but still get sick.  

  • Everyone 6 months of age and older should get an influenza (flu) vaccine that is appropriate for the recipient’s age and health status—children, working adults, older adults, people with chronic health conditions and pregnant women, especially.  Visit the CDC’s Influenza webpage on Key Facts About Flu Vaccines

  • The Greene County Health Department has flu vaccine available for school aged children; however, we are currently wait listing adult flu vaccinations.  The health department anticipates resolution of this situation by October 1, 2020; additionally, the health department is working on providing access to flu vaccination for K12 staff, retail/factory food workers and EMS volunteers starting mid-October.

COVID_19 CDC Updates