GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Free smoke alarms available to Greene County residents

With the colder months approaching and the heightened risk of house fires, Linton Fire Department Chief Eric Carpenter is urging residents to take advantage of free smoke alarms—alarms that could make the difference between life and death in a fire emergency.

Thanks to a partnership with the American Red Cross Indiana Region, the department has been able to offer this program to the community at no cost. Residents living outside of Linton and Stockton Township can also receive free alarms by reaching out to Community Paramedic Jennifer Knight.

Chief Carpenter emphasized the critical role that smoke alarms play in safeguarding homes.

“Smoke alarms are a great asset to any home, and data has proven that early detection by smoke alarms can help save lives and get victims out of dangerous situations, especially when sleeping,” he said.

Alarms provide early warnings that can buy valuable time to evacuate before a fire spreads, particularly at night when residents are less likely to notice a fire.

Carpenter stressed the importance of fire safety education, especially for young children.

“When the kids come up for fire safety, we always try to tell the kids to remind their parents to check their smoke alarms once a month,” he explained.

Regular maintenance, such as monthly checks, can prevent alarm malfunctions, ensuring they are always ready when needed most.

Anyone in the City of Linton or Stockton Township can call Chief Carpenter or any fireman at 812-847-4413, or email Greene County residents can also contact Knight at 812-826-4824 to request their free smoke alarm.